Untitled Homage to JMW #20
Pastel and charcoal on gessoed paper
8" x 8"
5516, no. 2
Pastel and watercolor on gessoed mat board
4" x 4"
Untitled #9, South Rt. 68
Pastel and charcoal on gessoed paper
8" x 8"
Untitled Diana Camera #19
Pastel and charcoal on gessoed paper
8" x 8"
5516, no. 4
Pastel on Wallis board
6" x 6"
Untitled #5, South Rt. 68
Pastel and charcoal on gessoed paper
8" x 8"
CJB Reservoir, no. 3
Pastel on Wallis board
6" x 6"
Untitled Digital Ohio #21
Pastel and charcoal on gessoed paper
8" x 8"
5516, no. 5
Pastel on Wallis board
6" x 6"
Untitled #11, South Rt. 68
Pastel and charcoal on gessoed paper
8" x 8"
Champaign Co, no. 4
Watercolor and pastel on gessoed mat board
8" x 8"
Untitled Diana Camera #18
Pastel and charcoal on gessoed paper
8" x 8"
5516, no. 3
Charcoal and pastel on gessoed mat board
8" x 8"
Untitled #7, South Rt. 68
Pastel and charcoal on gessoed paper
8" x 8"
Cedar Bog, no. 1
4" x 4"
Pastel on Wallis paper
5516. no. 1, Diptych
Pastel on Wallis paper
4" x 8"
5516, no. 2, Diptych
Pastel and watercolor on gessoed mat board
4" x 8"
Mad River, no. 1, Triptych
Pastel on Wallis board
4" x 12"
Cedar Bog, no. 2, Triptych
Pastel on Wallis paper
4" x 12"